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> Let's say covid does take a turn and kills 90% of all Baggers.

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anon user #3
#1 2022-11-27 15:45:48

Let's say covid does take a turn and kills 90% of all Baggers.

And then only killed about 10% of libs.  Leaving mostly libs alive.

What would happen?

For starters the remaining (powerless) Baggers would try to claim that the virus was specially engineered to kill them.  They would not take responsibility for their own anti-vax stupidity.


Suck it Liberals!
#2 2022-11-27 15:50:19

Re: Let's say covid does take a turn and kills 90% of all Baggers.



#3 2022-11-27 16:49:03

Re: Let's say covid does take a turn and kills 90% of all Baggers.

Do you think Fauci and his Chinese buddies would be capable of creating a virus like that?  lol


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