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> CEO robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight fears crime is driving businesses out of San Francisco

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#1 2024-04-17 13:22:09

CEO robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight fears crime is driving businesses out of San Francisco


#2 2024-04-17 13:30:04

Re: CEO robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight fears crime is driving businesses out of San Francisco

It's racist to even suggest that.


#3 2024-04-17 13:37:18

Re: CEO robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight fears crime is driving businesses out of San Francisco

A rich CEO should be honored to help the poor.


Tom Leykis
#4 2024-04-17 15:08:19

Re: CEO robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight fears crime is driving businesses out of San Francisco


And you want to somehow claim that mitigates all the other criminal activity that's going on in filthcrat cities. It doesn't. But keep insisting, it makes you look sooo intelligent.

It's what the demoNazis DO.   Destroy.  Watch murder, then EXCUSE it because it was done by a precious diversity who was fuqing the now dead guy.    That excuses everything?    Does that really make you feel smart there, Pizza Hut?           

In the sane world, thousands upon thousands, have left that city and the area, largely based upon OR TRIGGERED BY rampant, unchecked CRIME.  If you recall, it was 2018 that we were just enjoying a weekend in Boise, when there were TWO HOME INVASION ROBBERIES ON OUR VERY SAN FRANCISCO BLOCK!   

That was the straw that broke the camel's back, and we decided to leave San Francisco that very day.  And did.


Tom Leykis
#5 2024-04-17 15:14:33

Re: CEO robbed at gunpoint in broad daylight fears crime is driving businesses out of San Francisco


I see the homeless daily.  They're too doped out or weak from sleeping on the cold sidewalk for weeks for ultra-violence.

It's usually the tweakers and they live in SROs.   Outsiders sometimes mistake them for homeless but they're not.  Or nogs from the Fillmore projects

It doesn't matter.   They're ALL zombie bums, tolerated and used by the government for money and political power.   When one decides to plunge a rusty knife into you, killing you in public, that's an OK price to pay.   At least, it is for the enriched politicians.


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