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> Santa Monica is building an apartment housing project for the homeless, cost will be ONE MILLION per unit!

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#1 2024-04-23 16:46:07

Santa Monica is building an apartment housing project for the homeless, cost will be ONE MILLION per unit!


#2 2024-04-23 16:49:32

Re: Santa Monica is building an apartment housing project for the homeless, cost will be ONE MILLION per unit!

The land is worth one hundred and twenty million to one hundred and fifty million dollars . it is taxpayer owned land that used to be a parking structure that they knocked down for this. The land value is $1 million per unit or more, making this really a $2 million per unit project!

lol  Fill it full of Bidens beaners!


Rapist Donald J Trump
#3 2024-04-23 16:51:43

Re: Santa Monica is building an apartment housing project for the homeless, cost will be ONE MILLION per unit!

shrug  cut Social Security to pay for it


#4 2024-04-23 16:55:11

Re: Santa Monica is building an apartment housing project for the homeless, cost will be ONE MILLION per unit!

Pack em in!



#5 2024-04-23 16:58:33

Re: Santa Monica is building an apartment housing project for the homeless, cost will be ONE MILLION per unit!

Rapist Donald J Trump wrote:

shrug  cut Social Security to pay for it

Take it away from the illegals?


Tom Leykis
#6 2024-04-23 17:20:27

Re: Santa Monica is building an apartment housing project for the homeless, cost will be ONE MILLION per unit!

Of course I believe it.  The point isn't emergency housing - FEMA did that with trailers following Katrina. 

The point here is to shovel as much money as possible into  Democrat coffers, both for political power retention and personal enrichment of democrat operatives.   The builders of the units - and every step in the pecking order - the residents of said units AND the service providers who will be sucking at the teat of continuing operations, WILL ALL BE DEPENDABLE VOTERS AND CONTRIBUTORS TO THE DEMONAZI MOVEMENT, right up to and including the second civil war that they will again start. 

Remember, it was democrats that ran the slave based life of the plantation, the slave based economy of the South, AND started the Confederacy and the Civil War in order to perpetuate the whole thing.  They've never forgotten it. 

Do you really think they see black folks and Spanish speaking immigrants as anything other than the new generation of SLAVES?    100 years ago, it was the German Jews.  200 years ago, the plantation life was at it's PEAK.


Diarrhetrius Brown
#7 2024-04-24 18:41:37

Re: Santa Monica is building an apartment housing project for the homeless, cost will be ONE MILLION per unit!

I don't see any problem with this it will attract immigrants!


#8 2024-04-24 19:41:56

Re: Santa Monica is building an apartment housing project for the homeless, cost will be ONE MILLION per unit!

for a million dollars, if you built it yourself you could build a 20 room mansion here in Indiana.  ridiculous level of evil and corruption.

wait ten minutes to post?  isn't that a bit much?


#9 2024-04-24 19:46:16

Re: Santa Monica is building an apartment housing project for the homeless, cost will be ONE MILLION per unit!

None of that money is going to go to housing.  They are just raping the treasury at this point because Californians are fuqing retards.


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