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> I have a vision of Trump being led away in court to jail, and collapsing dead of a heart attack.

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#1 2024-04-24 00:02:54

I have a vision of Trump being led away in court to jail, and collapsing dead of a heart attack.

And it goes all squirrelly on the news with shots of deputies standing over his slumped body in a dark corridor.

But then the conspiracy theories will fly that he's alive and has been switched or hidden away for national security.


#2 2024-04-24 00:04:26

Re: I have a vision of Trump being led away in court to jail, and collapsing dead of a heart attack.


#3 2024-04-24 00:15:54

Re: I have a vision of Trump being led away in court to jail, and collapsing dead of a heart attack.

He has an outburst, basically loses it and collapses and expires.  Or he goes limp noodle on them, and then struggles and says he can't breath. And then sobbing and shytting his pance he cries and cries.


#4 2024-04-24 00:16:41

Re: I have a vision of Trump being led away in court to jail, and collapsing dead of a heart attack.


says he can't breath


#5 2024-04-24 02:08:51

Re: I have a vision of Trump being led away in court to jail, and collapsing dead of a heart attack.

And then another negroid penis enters your anal canal.


#6 2024-04-24 07:24:27

Re: I have a vision of Trump being led away in court to jail, and collapsing dead of a heart attack.

I’d prefer a bolt-upright leap, a clutch of the chest, a wet fart and then a slump over the table.



anon user #3
#7 2024-04-24 12:17:47

Re: I have a vision of Trump being led away in court to jail, and collapsing dead of a heart attack.

I always picture it more like this court room scene from Casino.  Once the ORange Con Man gets convicted or it is apparent that will happen then they will wheel him out in a wheelchair with oxygen and claim he is too sick for prison.



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