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> Curious about newly diagnosed cancer people who were also vaccinated (reddit removed post)

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anon user #3
#1 2024-04-24 12:24:10

Curious about newly diagnosed cancer people who were also vaccinated (reddit removed post)

This is a gift to you anti-vaxxers just to show that I am not against discussion.  This post was removed and locked byt he mods over there but the comments remain accessible if you click through.... The discussion is interesting.

https://www.reddit.com/r/cancer/comment … eople_who/


#2 2024-04-24 12:49:29

Re: Curious about newly diagnosed cancer people who were also vaccinated (reddit removed post)



#3 2024-04-24 12:54:49

Re: Curious about newly diagnosed cancer people who were also vaccinated (reddit removed post)

Just get vaccinated you dumbshyt baggers. No one cares about your misinformation and disinformation garbage.


#4 2024-04-24 12:56:48

Re: Curious about newly diagnosed cancer people who were also vaccinated (reddit removed post)


Just get vaccinated you dumbshyt baggers. No one cares about your misinformation and disinformation garbage.


It doesn't prevent infection.
It doesn't prevent you from infecting others.
The virus is much less deadly now that it has "evolved"

While we're on the topic... when was your last yellow fever vaccination?


#5 2024-04-24 13:51:35

Re: Curious about newly diagnosed cancer people who were also vaccinated (reddit removed post)

The jab is not a vaccine.  It is a gene therapy preemptive therapeutic of uncertain efficacy.


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