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> REMINDER - A vote for Smitherman, is a vote for a FAG!

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#1 2007-10-01 20:50:39

REMINDER - A vote for Smitherman, is a vote for a FAG!



#2 2010-10-21 03:46:46

Re: REMINDER - A vote for Smitherman, is a vote for a FAG!

But a well-placed one.

No visible means of support.
Adoptive parent.
Teflon politician.
Drug-snorting douche.


#3 2010-10-22 00:07:31

Re: REMINDER - A vote for Smitherman, is a vote for a FAG!

Vote for George!


#4 2010-10-22 00:08:50

Re: REMINDER - A vote for Smitherman, is a vote for a FAG!

clamtard_reborn wrote:


So is a vote for Rob Ford


#5 2010-10-22 00:18:12

Re: REMINDER - A vote for Smitherman, is a vote for a FAG!

so its Ford (idiot)
vs Smitherman (angry gay guy)


#6 2010-10-22 00:21:23

Re: REMINDER - A vote for Smitherman, is a vote for a FAG!

They're all idiots. The only thing that any of them have said that I like (or believe) is that Ford said he'd ban marathons on public roads.


#7 2010-10-22 00:22:44

Re: REMINDER - A vote for Smitherman, is a vote for a FAG!

Ford would hire another 100 cops, what a moron.


#8 2010-10-22 01:54:09

Re: REMINDER - A vote for Smitherman, is a vote for a FAG!

Katalyst wrote:

They're all idiots. The only thing that any of them have said that I like (or believe) is that Ford said he'd ban marathons on public roads.

You're a fuqing moron.


#9 2010-10-22 02:00:12

Re: REMINDER - A vote for Smitherman, is a vote for a FAG!


You're a fuqing moron.

It's your proof that convinced me.


#10 2010-10-22 02:30:22

Re: REMINDER - A vote for Smitherman, is a vote for a FAG!

Katalyst wrote:

It's your proof that convinced me.

You're a moron for not seeing how irrelevant it is to ban marathons. Who gives a fuq?

You're never going to be an adult are you?


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