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> Neuroscience-tards: Has anyone ever calculated the storage capacity of the human brain in Gigs or Terabytes, etc?

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#1 2010-09-11 16:25:54

Neuroscience-tards: Has anyone ever calculated the storage capacity of the human brain in Gigs or Terabytes, etc?

Imagine if you had to create a backup of everything-EVERYTHING-in your brain.  Raw data, plus sights, smells, your first kiss, etc.  Are we talking a 64GB flash memory stick or a google server farmb?


#2 2010-09-11 16:37:49

Re: Neuroscience-tards: Has anyone ever calculated the storage capacity of the human brain in Gigs or Terabytes, etc?


Imagine if you had to create a backup of everything-EVERYTHING-in your brain.  Raw data, plus sights, smells, your first kiss, etc.  Are we talking a 64GB flash memory stick or a google server farmb?

I have a PhD in the subject at hand.  Brains don't work that way.  Most of what you think you remember is generated from schema rather than recalled from storage.  "Memory" storage and maintenance is an active process in biological systems, not a static one like computer memory.  Theoretically though there is no limit to what can be stored in there, at least the capacity is sufficiently large that you can't fill it up in a human lifetime.


#3 2010-09-11 16:47:44

Re: Neuroscience-tards: Has anyone ever calculated the storage capacity of the human brain in Gigs or Terabytes, etc?

infinite tablespace, finite indexing


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