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> Obama can shut down the internet now for 4 months, he should shut it down until after the elections

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#1 2010-10-21 15:44:32

Obama can shut down the internet now for 4 months, he should shut it down until after the elections

or at least freerepublic and Palin's twitter account


#2 2010-10-21 15:52:05

Re: Obama can shut down the internet now for 4 months, he should shut it down until after the elections

Call FEMA, I am shutting it all down except for MSNBC and Huffingtonpost.


#3 2010-10-21 16:01:55

Re: Obama can shut down the internet now for 4 months, he should shut it down until after the elections


or at least freerepublic and Palin's twitter account

And Limbaugh.


#4 2010-10-21 16:12:34

Re: Obama can shut down the internet now for 4 months, he should shut it down until after the elections

So Obama will shut down Amazon and other online retailers for 4 months?  rolleyes


#5 2010-10-21 16:15:29

Re: Obama can shut down the internet now for 4 months, he should shut it down until after the elections

It would have worked if he shut them down 3 months ago, too late now.  The damage is done.


#6 2010-10-21 16:15:58

Re: Obama can shut down the internet now for 4 months, he should shut it down until after the elections

ImperialExecutive wrote:

So Obama will shut down Amazon and other online retailers for 4 months?  rolleyes

fuq em

they are the reason states are going bankrupt because there is no sales tax being collected


#7 2010-10-21 16:29:57

Re: Obama can shut down the internet now for 4 months, he should shut it down until after the elections


fuq em

they are the reason states are going bankrupt because there is no sales tax being collected

you should be voluntarilly paying it.


#8 2010-10-21 16:30:18

Re: Obama can shut down the internet now for 4 months, he should shut it down until after the elections


fuq em

they are the reason states are going bankrupt because there is no sales tax being collected

You don't seem to know who really runs your country.  rolleyes


#9 2010-10-22 01:54:46

Re: Obama can shut down the internet now for 4 months, he should shut it down until after the elections

The tribe has gotten everything else they wanted thus far.

They will get the internet effectively shut down, count on it.


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