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> Breaking: Michelle Obama takes a 5LB dump. So proud, she shares picture with the word!!! (ap)

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#1 2010-10-21 17:37:46

Breaking: Michelle Obama takes a 5LB dump. So proud, she shares picture with the word!!! (ap)


#2 2010-10-21 17:41:08

Re: Breaking: Michelle Obama takes a 5LB dump. So proud, she shares picture with the word!!! (ap)



#3 2010-10-21 17:45:05

Re: Breaking: Michelle Obama takes a 5LB dump. So proud, she shares picture with the word!!! (ap)

You are listening to Rush Limbo right now too? lol


#4 2010-10-21 17:46:13

Re: Breaking: Michelle Obama takes a 5LB dump. So proud, she shares picture with the word!!! (ap)



#5 2010-10-21 17:47:27

Re: Breaking: Michelle Obama takes a 5LB dump. So proud, she shares picture with the word!!! (ap)

Heekee wrote:

You are listening to Rush Limbo right now too? lol

No, alex Jones   tinfoilhat


#6 2010-10-22 01:48:10

Re: Breaking: Michelle Obama takes a 5LB dump. So proud, she shares picture with the word!!! (ap)

I didn't even know she was pregnant.


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