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> So some tard was riding a bike in the road this morning and I drove up next to him in my Z.

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#1 2010-10-22 01:29:03

So some tard was riding a bike in the road this morning and I drove up next to him in my Z.

I floored it and the deafening roar made him probably shyt his pants.  lol


#2 2010-10-22 01:39:59

Re: So some tard was riding a bike in the road this morning and I drove up next to him in my Z.

Catastroph wrote:

I floored it and the deafening roar made him probably shyt his pants.  lol

you sound like a truly idiotic person.


#3 2010-10-22 01:41:28

Re: So some tard was riding a bike in the road this morning and I drove up next to him in my Z.

Catastroph wrote:

I floored it and the he didn't even notice nor care. lol



#4 2010-10-22 01:46:01

Re: So some tard was riding a bike in the road this morning and I drove up next to him in my Z.


you sound like a truly idiotic person.



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