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> ? Former President Bill Clinton's advice to voters in Maryland? Treat this election like a sports game.

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#1 2010-10-22 02:27:56

? Former President Bill Clinton's advice to voters in Maryland? Treat this election like a sports game.

Former President Bill Clinton's advice to voters in Maryland? Treat this election like a sports game.

"If you look at the facts, if you treat this like it's a report on ESPN instead of the crazy food fight financed by secret special interests," Clinton said. "(If) you look at the facts, the tale of two governors leads you to the inevitable conclusion: I think we ought to keep Martin O'Malley."

Clinton, who was in Maryland Thursday at a rally for incumbent Democratic Gov. Martin O'Malley, said Americans should look at the facts as closely in this election as they do in the World Series.

"It's only when something has absolutely no significance to us - like the economy, the future of our children, the way the nation's going to turn out - (that) we say don't bother with the facts, I've got my mind made up," Clinton said sarcastically.

Most of his speech was spent encouraging people to vote and making the case for why he believes Democrats need more time in the majority.

The event in Maryland was the third of the day for the former president, who has been stumping across the country ahead of the midterm elections.

Clinton will head to Michigan to campaign for Rep. John Dingell, the longest serving member of the House on October 24.

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