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> Is it better to ass-fuq supermodels in a Golfstream or a Yot?

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#1 2010-09-11 02:20:54

Is it better to ass-fuq supermodels in a Golfstream or a Yot?



#2 2010-09-11 02:28:26

Re: Is it better to ass-fuq supermodels in a Golfstream or a Yot?

If it is the kind of you that has a helicopter pad and several 40' runabouts, then the yot. 

Otherwise the gulfstream.


#3 2010-09-11 02:28:32

Re: Is it better to ass-fuq supermodels in a Golfstream or a Yot?

If it is the kind of yot that has a helicopter pad and several 40' runabouts, then the yot. 

Otherwise the gulfstream.


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