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> Sweetpea is gonna be PISSED

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#1 2010-09-11 15:54:17

Sweetpea is gonna be PISSED

VP_Spiro_T_Cheney wrote:
  at you hickfags and your totally baseless opinions.

a)  An American can get laid here and the French are very much into some parts of American culture, just not anything to do with Cletus type shyt. 

b)  Women's personal hygiene is at a higher standard that the US & totally shaven is the norm with NO tattoos or other skankyness. 

c)  Yes, everyone smokes

d)  but French girls also have class, they don't fuqing bellow and shriek in public like fat vulgar American cows.

You'd have to be a 100% complete moron-fag to unfavorably compare the petite stylish women of Paris with the obese Hogathas of Cletii-America.


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