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> ImperialExecutive should start looking for a job as CEO of a huge company

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#1 2010-09-22 15:35:49

ImperialExecutive should start looking for a job as CEO of a huge company

He would cut expenses to the bone and force employees to take 80% pay cuts.  The shareholders would be very pleased lol


#2 2010-09-22 15:39:52

Re: ImperialExecutive should start looking for a job as CEO of a huge company

Everyone would get fap and win t-shirts and hats.

Jews would be burnt in ovens.


#3 2010-09-22 15:49:14

Re: ImperialExecutive should start looking for a job as CEO of a huge company


Jews would be burnt in ovens.

He isnt that stupid, he would surely be fired if he tried rounding up his board of directors and burning them in ovens nono


#4 2010-09-22 16:06:33

Re: ImperialExecutive should start looking for a job as CEO of a huge company

I have an extremely hard nose for business.  Nobody wants that except my own money.  I do well with my own capital and the rest can just fuqing drop dead.


#5 2010-09-22 16:08:39

Re: ImperialExecutive should start looking for a job as CEO of a huge company

Heekee wrote:

He isnt that stupid, he would surely be fired if he tried rounding up his board of directors and burning them in ovens nono



#6 2010-09-22 16:09:59

Re: ImperialExecutive should start looking for a job as CEO of a huge company

ImperialExecutive wrote:

I have an extremely hard nose for business.  Nobody wants that except my own money.  I do well with my own capital and the rest can just fuqing drop dead.

Yeah, we can tell.


#7 2010-09-22 16:13:17

Re: ImperialExecutive should start looking for a job as CEO of a huge company

I really think ImperialExecutive should become a teabagger politician. He knows all the conspiracy theories. He could pretend to be a super teabagger pretty easily.


#8 2010-09-22 16:20:26

Re: ImperialExecutive should start looking for a job as CEO of a huge company

Stealing_Mirrors wrote:

Yeah, we can tell.

Then you need to accept what your eyes are telling you.


#9 2010-09-22 16:23:21

Re: ImperialExecutive should start looking for a job as CEO of a huge company

Zathrus wrote:

I really think ImperialExecutive should become a teabagger politician.  He's a fiscal conservative and well knows how to restrain the horrible growth of government.


You Demon-Rats are going to lose the House and losing your houses are about as good as you retards can expect to do in your miserable lives.  flip


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