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> SPECIAL OFFER! I will etch your message in Genuine Stone for only $0.99 per word!

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#1 2010-10-03 13:47:42

SPECIAL OFFER! I will etch your message in Genuine Stone for only $0.99 per word!

Don't miss this once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to have your words permanently etched into beautiful Genuine Stone! Offer good while supplies last. First come, first served. Limit 3 stones per order, please.


#2 2010-10-03 13:50:44

Re: SPECIAL OFFER! I will etch your message in Genuine Stone for only $0.99 per word!

How much will you charge me to etch "See the Jew" on the flagstones of my house?


#3 2010-10-03 13:54:55

Re: SPECIAL OFFER! I will etch your message in Genuine Stone for only $0.99 per word!


How much will you charge me to etch "See the Jew" on the flagstones of my house?

There is normally a three stone limit per order. But since you're supplying your own stones, I can offer you the bulk rate of just $0.89 per word per stone.

How many stones do you have?


#4 2010-10-03 14:38:26

Re: SPECIAL OFFER! I will etch your message in Genuine Stone for only $0.99 per word!

stone.etcher wrote:

There is normally a three stone limit per order. But since you're supplying your own stones, I can offer you the bulk rate of just $0.89 per word per stone.

How many stones do you have?

There are at least 50 of them.  Can I get a bulk rate?


#5 2010-10-03 14:55:24

Re: SPECIAL OFFER! I will etch your message in Genuine Stone for only $0.99 per word!

http://stonetooldepot.com/beginnersgran … ngkit.aspx

I'm sure you could beat that price by obtaining the tools yourself over time and smart shopping, and by using public sources of instruction.


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