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> LOL! NASA will be auctioning off the remainder of the Shuttle fleet. Thanks Obama!

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#1 2010-10-03 10:52:24

LOL! NASA will be auctioning off the remainder of the Shuttle fleet. Thanks Obama!



#2 2010-10-03 15:11:17

Re: LOL! NASA will be auctioning off the remainder of the Shuttle fleet. Thanks Obama!

Actually, you can get one of the older SMEs (Shuttle Main Engines) for nothing, as long as you show up in Florida with a truck to haul it away.  Each is about 9ft long and weighs at least 10 tons.


#3 2010-10-03 15:12:33

Re: LOL! NASA will be auctioning off the remainder of the Shuttle fleet. Thanks Obama!

ImperialExecutive wrote:

Actually, you can get one of the older SMEs (Shuttle Main Engines) for nothing, as long as you show up in Florida with a truck to haul it away.  Each is about 9ft long and weighs at least 10 tons.

I bet you could make a real kick-ass gokart with one of those!


#4 2010-10-03 15:19:18

Re: LOL! NASA will be auctioning off the remainder of the Shuttle fleet. Thanks Obama!


I bet you could make a real kick-ass gokart with one of those!

Sure, as long as you didn't mind having a kart that's made of:

1. A seat, mounted on
2. A boxcar of liquid H2 and
3. A smaller boxcar of liquid O2 and
4. The SME.

Once you light that puppy, kiss your ass GOODBYE.


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