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> This is how fuqed we are.

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#1 2010-11-18 13:02:01

This is how fuqed we are.


#2 2010-11-18 13:12:38

Re: This is how fuqed we are.

What a fag.


#3 2010-11-18 13:14:57

Re: This is how fuqed we are.

Poor closeted faggot. Why don't you just come out already?



#4 2010-11-18 13:23:20

Re: This is how fuqed we are.

I wonder what that kid would look like in a plaid skirt and a braw!


#5 2010-11-18 13:52:47

Re: This is how fuqed we are.

He warned of a ?silent holocaust? against homosexuals, around six million of whom commit suicide every year around the world.

?I myself am gay and I?m a young person, and that causes a lot of trouble,? he said.

?And when I hear things like Dr King?s speech in which he says he hopes his grandchildren will be judged not on the colour of their skin but the content of their character; I hope that one day we too can be judged on the content of our character.?

The 14-year-old added: ?[Mr McDowell] did an amazing thing. He said something that inspired a lot of people, and whenever I have a teacher who stands up for me like that they change in my eyes.?


#6 2010-11-18 13:56:13

Re: This is how fuqed we are.


He warned of a ?silent holocaust? against homosexuals, around six million of whom commit suicide every year around the world.

?I myself am gay and I?m a young woman, and that causes a lot of trouble,? he said.

?And when I hear things like Dr King?s speech in which he says he hopes his grandchildren will be judged not on the colour of their skin but the content of their character; I hope that one day we too can be judged on the content of our character.?

The 14-year-old added: ?[Mr McDowell] did an amazing thing. He said something that inspired a lot of people, and whenever I have a teacher who stands up for me like that they change in my eyes.?

the high suicide rate is not due to persecution but rather their own messed up, mentally ill brains.


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