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> Remember when the Kenyan flew to China and they laughed and humiliated him by making him come out the ass of AF1?

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#1 2022-05-20 16:05:28

Remember when the Kenyan flew to China and they laughed and humiliated him by making him come out the ass of AF1?

lol   That was hilarious!


Suck it Liberals!
#2 2022-05-20 16:14:03

Re: Remember when the Kenyan flew to China and they laughed and humiliated him by making him come out the ass of AF1?



#3 2022-05-20 16:36:29

Re: Remember when the Kenyan flew to China and they laughed and humiliated him by making him come out the ass of AF1?

I bet Brandon won't be going there  rofl


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