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> Remember when Elon said he wanted to intergate another payments system into Twitter, like a PayPal thing?

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#1 2024-04-23 17:04:52

Remember when Elon said he wanted to intergate another payments system into Twitter, like a PayPal thing?

Rapist Donald J Trump wrote:

Great, with X’s history of shytty buggy code, lax security and failure to protect privacy/PI, that’s JUST the place where I want to keep my money and run all my financial transactions.


None of that happened with PayPal.


#2 2024-04-23 17:07:12

Re: Remember when Elon said he wanted to intergate another payments system into Twitter, like a PayPal thing?

Rapist Donald J Trump wrote:

Great, with X’s history of shytty buggy code, lax security and failure to protect privacy/PI, that’s JUST the place where I want to keep my money and run all my financial transactions.


Don't worry, he's not going after the truck stop glory hole receptacle demographic.


#3 2024-04-23 18:22:36

Re: Remember when Elon said he wanted to intergate another payments system into Twitter, like a PayPal thing?

If you don't need to have 2k subscribers to get paid it might appeal.
Youtube shyt the streaming bed when it turned into a popularity contest. Which was a quality race to the bottom. Then it was plagued by copyright tagging abuse. It's not a good platform for entertainment, just influencers. The tv streaming part of youtube is going to drive down the influencer scale in time.

They knew they couldn't break the influencers on mainstream TV, so the brought the tv to the influencers. Because they're ugly and stupid, and whatever usefulness they had turns to shyt when they monetize.

Twitter is losing commercial interest due to it's owners repugnance. It's appeal as a streaming platform is to pay out for views and likes flat rate, commercial free.


#4 2024-04-23 18:26:38

Re: Remember when Elon said he wanted to intergate another payments system into Twitter, like a PayPal thing?


Twitter is losing commercial interest due to it's owners repugnance.
       \                            \


It's appeal


#5 2024-04-23 18:33:41

Re: Remember when Elon said he wanted to intergate another payments system into Twitter, like a PayPal thing?

The autistic grammar person, excellent. It must be good to know you have a purpose.


#6 2024-04-23 18:36:33

Re: Remember when Elon said he wanted to intergate another payments system into Twitter, like a PayPal thing?


The autistic grammar person, excellent. It must be good to know you have a purpose.

Better than being such a stupid fuqing asshole that one is both a libfilth retard and incapable of discerning the difference between it's and its. Much better.



#7 2024-04-23 18:43:56

Re: Remember when Elon said he wanted to intergate another payments system into Twitter, like a PayPal thing?

Rapist Donald J Trump wrote:

Great, with X’s history of shytty buggy code, lax security and failure to protect privacy/PI, that’s JUST the place where I want to keep my money and run all my financial transactions.


While we adapt and conquer, you'll grow old and extinct like a dinosaur.


#8 2024-04-23 19:07:58

Re: Remember when Elon said he wanted to intergate another payments system into Twitter, like a PayPal thing?


The autistic grammar person, excellent. It must be good to know you have a purpose.

If you could spell and use English correctly then this wouldn't be a problem.


anon user #3
#9 2024-04-23 20:25:03

Re: Remember when Elon said he wanted to intergate another payments system into Twitter, like a PayPal thing?

The banks won't like this...


#10 2024-04-23 20:26:31

Re: Remember when Elon said he wanted to intergate another payments system into Twitter, like a PayPal thing?

anon user #3 wrote:

The banks won't like this...

You're a big fan of the banks and insurance companies now huh?


#11 2024-04-23 20:29:20

Re: Remember when Elon said he wanted to intergate another payments system into Twitter, like a PayPal thing?

anon user #3 wrote:

The banks won't like this...

They didn't like PayPal either.     It's not up to them.


Anonymously Substantive
#12 2024-04-24 20:35:00

Re: Remember when Elon said he wanted to intergate another payments system into Twitter, like a PayPal thing?

anon user #3 wrote:

The banks won't like this...

Walmart is a bigger threat to them. A place where all the illegals can cash their paychecks without being defrauded of a $5 fee.


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